of Pickleball, Fitness and Nutrition
Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless Pickleball Activities Agreement
I understand that while the Coach has made every effort to provide a safe environment, Pickleball is an active sport and there is a slight possibility that I might sustain an injury or injuries while taking Pickleball lessons.
I understand and agree that the Coach assumes no responsibility for injury or illness I may sustain as a result of my physical conditions or my participation in Pickleball classes.
I understand it is my responsibility to provide my own accident and health coverage and that the Coach provides limited accident or health insurance for their participants at his/her Pickleball classes.
I give the Coach and people acting for and with the Coach permission to interview, photograph, video and/or audio record me to use and to edit, without compensation to me, any of the following items:
1. Photographs or video footage of me;
2. Spoken (written or recorded) interviews of me and quotes from me;
3. My full name in connection with the photographs, video footage, interviews or quotes.